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Testimonials: Networking With Lynda Spiegel And Deb Helfrich

" Cyndi is wicked strong (as they say in New England)...but her touch was gentle, and I was astonished at how adeptly she figured out that my pain involved some significant nerve damage as well as spastic muscles."

"A significant part of her therapeutic approach was the application of small magnets to the trigger points to counteract the spasticity, which she recommended I leave on as long as possible."

"Cyndi's approach is holistic, but no nonsense. She told me in no uncertain terms that I had to give up running - something that many doctors and physical therapists had told me before, but coming from Cyndi, for once didn't make me dissolve into tears."

"And back to networking. Were it not for Deb, I would not have met Cyndi. And now that I know her, all of you in my network can explore her wisdom about our bodies and how to heal them and keep them healthy."

-Lynda Speigel

Original on LinkedIn:

"It was a truly great experience to get to feel what my friend does for her living. One that will stick with me for a very long time, indeed. As skilled a muscular therapist as Cyndi undoubtedly is, the reason she is a master healer is that she is able to also adjust your heart in the process."

"Her heart and soul come pouring out of her hands, forearms and elbows... all the tools of her body that she employs for healing effect. She is tremendously skilled - knowing just how to manipulate the body, along with a sense of what may be energetically out of balance and need to be addressed."

"The simple act of caring for someone, their pain, listening to what they need to say, is not often part of the lives we live today.

When this capacity is bundled within someone with a talent for massage, therapeutic results skyrocket."

-Deb Helfrich


Anyone with a desire and willingness to participate in their own healing by reconnecting with their mind, body and spirit can explore the root causes discomfort and disease and facilitate their own healing process.

Explore more of the “human connection” –With that in-person contact you will feel the closeness of nurturing touch...The kind of experience that resonates and moves you into action. Such moments create a powerful impression on you physically and emotionally so that you may break the cycle of pain in a more integrated way...Mind, body and soul.

Be Well,


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