Testimonials: Networking With Lynda Spiegel And Deb Helfrich
" Cyndi is wicked strong (as they say in New England)...but her touch was gentle, and I was astonished at how adeptly she figured out...

Healing The Healer
"You know the time has come when the manifestations of emotional stress present in the physical body...just name your condition." Several...

Cellular Memory And The Body
"Modern science has typically localized consciousness in the brain, but recent studies have shown evidence of consciousness showing up in...

The Healing Brain
"Now is the time for us to recognize the ancient art of folk healing, and the sacred rituals that safeguard them." In the last few...

Moments Of Impact
"Once you realize the power of focused human effort coalesced by writing or conversation, you will learn that being a person in charge of...

Sometimes The Answer Is Right In Front Of You
"I treasure the peaceful moments that bring me back to a place of clarity and provide me with a sense of calm I find difficult to attain...

Good Vibrations
"Energetically speaking, all foods carry a particular vibration; poor quality equals poor digestion." The body, being the physical...

Learning To Grieve
This post was originally written in honor of Megan Sheehy. Meg was a beautiful, vibrant young lady who inspired us all with her very...

Chronic Pain Linked To Emotions
"Pain and illness that is chronic in nature has a direct link to the emotional centers in our brains." In recent studies, scientists are...

Releasing Hidden Anger From Your Body
In a recent interview with Deb Lange, author of "Trust Your Senses" Whole Bodied Wisdom For The Modern Age, We discuss how to recognize...