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Cellular Memory and The Body

"Modern science has typically localized consciousness in the brain, but recent studies have shown evidence of consciousness showing up in the heart, the gut, and parts of individual cells."

-Deb Lange

Recently, I have been a participant in many discussions about the energetic processes at work in the development of chronic disease, or dis-ease, in the physical body. The common theme among these energetic currents seem to be deeply rooted in the adverse childhood experiences that go unrecognized for many decades.

Without ever addressing these sometimes very traumatic events, our bodies carry their cellular memory along with us into adulthood, where we are continually faced with the challenges of everyday living. Of course this creates a cohesive dysfunction throughout the entire system...body and mind.

For many of us, these issues are never addressed at all as the rigid pattern of modern conventional science has tended to overlook the complexities of the human emotional system as being part of the underlying cause of disease. But it is so due to the physiological effects of long term psychological stress on the function of the immune system.

I am happy to say that I am beginning to see a slow shift in our cultural beliefs and practices when it comes to dealing with the health of the mind in relation to the obvious effect it has on the health of the physical body.

"If we begin to study the physics of the soul (or the higher mind) and see that the state of our mind is at the epicenter of our health, we begin to live and breathe more intelligently and realize our disease states are our own minds reaching out to us for healing."

-Cyndi Wilkins

In her recent article published on, The Gift Of Our Senses, author Deb Lange comments:

"Modern science has typically localized consciousness in the brain, but recent studies have shown evidence of consciousness showing up in the heart, the gut, and parts of individual cells." Further she asks, "Could the plethora of modern-day malaise, anxiety and conflict be a result of disconnection from our body, our senses and our energy?"

To this, @Deb Lange, I would scream a resounding...YES, YES, and absolutely YES!!! But we as a society are very slow on the uptake with this...We seek to solve the dysfunctions of the body by controlling our outward environment on the physiological level when in fact, true healing comes from the level of the soul.

There are times of course, when it is appropriate to seek the advice of a physician when dealing with a physical illness or injury, but why have we not developed an awareness of the soul and how our core beliefs and behaviors affect our overall health...Most of us, (if not all of us) are "soul sick."

The dysfunction of the body is a result of our not having an understanding of how the soul works in getting us to recognize our conditions, let alone the very fact that we even possess a soul in the first place. If we begin to study the physics of the soul (or the higher mind) and see that the state of our mind is at the epicenter of our health, we begin to live and breathe more intelligently and realize our disease states are our own minds reaching out to us for healing.

"Turning off the noise of the world is absolutely the single best health practice for inhabiting our own souls. They want to whisper to us, we just have to figure out how to listen. I had no idea there was so much to defrost in the freezer of my mind."

-Deb Helfrich

In yet another recent conversation with Deb Helfrich, she further validates this position of dysfunction by commenting...

"I refuse to discount my own senses and perceptions. I realize that I need to prioritize peace, quiet, tranquility, and solitude in order to cultivate a deep knowing of my own consciousness. Being open to the wonder and curiosity of what I know and how I know it allows me to feel like an integrated being - mind, body, and spirit all contributing in their own spheres of excellence. Turning off the noise of the world is absolutely the single best health practice for inhabiting our own souls. They want to whisper to us, we just have to figure out how to listen. I had no idea there was so much to defrost in the freezer of my mind."

Thank you Deb Helfrich 🐝 ...That just about nails it;-)

In this short video clip with Deb Lange, I discuss the work I do as a manual therapist and how often unresolved emotions come up during my sessions with clients as I work to release their physical discomfort.

It further validates for me how our bodies are able to retain embedded cellular memories in our physical structure until a time when we are finally able to acknowledge and release them from our physical AND emotional being.

About the Author:

Cyndi is a licensed and Certified Massage and Bodywork Professional, Writer and Energetic Channel in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts Area

Follow her at and

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